The coal miner dilemma
waste and more socialize the costs.
Like most Americans I did not
realize I was subsidizing health care for coal miners – not commercial
fishermen (the most dangerous occupation), not farmers and not most other
occupations. “ It is the only time that Congress had intervened to provide retiree health benefits
that had been promised by a private party. Congress intervened again in 2006
after a series of bankruptcies in the coal industry”. The Atlantic.
This all came out as part of
the negotiations to extend the US Budget. It turns out we have been have been
paying quite a bit to provide health care to 22,000 miners no longer covered by
their bankrupt companies. According to Fox News we paid nearly a billion dollars to the United
Mine Workers (UMW) between 2011 and 2015 for health care. The estimated cost to
continue under a bill in congress is 2.2 billion for the next 10 years.
If you Google coal miner’s health
care you can find a lot more background part of which is an “obligation” of the
government to take care of miners dating back to 1946.
People of good will can argue
about moral obligations on one side and budget responsibility on the other side
or even the fairness of favoring one occupation over others but there are three
other aspects that are troublesome.
That same Fox News report is
mostly about an audit of the agency that makes the payments to the miners. The
payments are made directly to the UMW with almost no oversight from the agency.
The union makes the decisions about who gets the money, doesn’t seem to follow
standard insurance procedures and appears to charge 48% overhead. So we have a
program that may have merits but is grossly inefficient.
Besides the 1946 “obligation”
to support coal miners, why are we involved so directly in their health care?
As members of a powerful union and with help from the government back in 1946,
miners bargained for good, employer-provided health care. But as coal profits
have fallen due to competition from natural gas, several big mining
corporations have gone bankrupt. It’s doubtful the owners suffered much as they
likely socked away their profits in good investments (not coal). But of course
they were excused from any serious obligation to fund health care for out of
work miners. So here we are again – privatize the profits and socialize the
Is coal really worth the
And finally, miner’s pensions
are also at risk. A bill in congress
proposes to use the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Land fund to shore up
pensions. As you might expect the fund was meant primarily to fix the environmental
damage left by abandoned coal mining operations. It's easy to argue that helping
people is more important than restoring mining sites. But why are miners
getting a special social safety net? There are a host of safety net programs
already in place for workers in every other occupation who lose their jobs and
whose pensions are threatened.
Is the cost of coal really
worth it?
and here we go again subsidizing a failing obsolete dirty industry. After the 2008 crash, they passed new regulations requiring the banks to have the necessary reserves for emergencies. The same should be required of the coal industry to meet the long term needs of their workers. But, like you said, privatize the profits socialize the losses.